
Some days ago I rediscovered Alfred v2. Alfred is a tool to easy start programs, search for files (and the web too) and to automate recurring tasks on my Macbook Pro. It's free but the real fun starts if you buy the Powerpack for £17. With the powerpack you can add custom "Workflows" to Alfred and there are many available on the net. For example you can use Alfred to start/stop/suspend/resume VMware Fusion VMs (there are Workflows for Parallels available too, see below):

Some days ago I rediscovered Alfred v2. Alfred is a tool to easy start programs, search for files (and the web too) and to automate recurring tasks on my Macbook Pro. It's free but the real fun starts if you buy the Powerpack for £17. With the powerpack you can add custom "Workflows" to Alfred and there are many available on the net. For example you can use Alfred to start/stop/suspend/resume VMware Fusion VMs (There are Workflows for Parallels available too, see below):

Here is a list of some of my workflows I'm using most:

If you are looking for more these two websites have a great collection of workflows:

With powerpack many extra features are added like syncing to Dropbox1Password integration, theming and clipboard history. Alfred is so powerful that I'm only using a small part of it. But going on I will learn to be more efficient and use the power of Alfred.